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What is caatsa sanctions????

CAATSA- Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions. 

USA considers itself superpower. Its economy, military and soft power play an important role in strengthening its voice on world platforms. We can also say that USA is the head of Western World. This can be seen in NATO. Most of the international platforms are seen to be part of USA. 
Russia,China,Iran and North korea are top rivals or enemy of USA. USA considers them aa the biggest threat to world democracy. 
After SECOND WORLD WAR three main age old enemies of USA are Russia,Iran and North Korea. Both Russia and USA have different stance on the situation in Syria. Russia has emerged as biggest rival of USA after SECOND WORLD WAR The cold war was result of this rivalry. 
Iran's repeated human rights abuses since the Islamic Revolution has worsened the US - Iran relations. 
North Korea remains mystery for world. During Korean Peninsula war USA favoured South Korea. This was the key point rivalry between US and North Korea. For USA these nations are enemies of peace in the world. Thats why US has sanctioned them under CAATSA act. 
China recently added itself to US enemy list. In recent years the gap between two nations widened. During Trump's administration the situation became more worse. Both nation put heavy tariffs on each other. This result in the trade war. 
USA is not happy with China regarding South China Sea. Fortunately CAATSA is not applied on China. But there are possibilities in future to bring China under this act. 
What is CAATSA??? 
Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act is an United States federal law that imposed sanctions on extreme adversaries of USA. It was passed on July 2017 under the tenure of former US President Donald Trump. 
According to this act no nation can buy weapons,oil from these nations. No country can carry out trade with these nations.
If any country purchase weapons or oil from Russia and Iran than CAATSA would apply on those countries also.
Impact of CAATSA on world
  1. Recently in 2020 USA has sanctioned Turky for the purchase of S-400 air to air missile defence system from Russia. 
  2. Russian economy has collapsed due to this act.
  3. Iran's oil exports haa fallen down. 
North Korea is totally get isolated from rest of the world. 
Impact on India- 
  1. On October 2018 India signed a deal of US$5.43 billion with Russia to procure S-400.
  2. In Biden administration it has been noticed that US is not happy with the deal between India and Russia. 
  3. Critics say that USA could sanctioned India also.
  4. India had to drop down its oil imports from Iran due to which oil prices are at at its peak in India. 
