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How to increase height in 1 week?

 Are you of short height?

Does anyone bully you regarding your height?

If yes, then you are at right place. In today's life people notice everything about others. They notice your behaviour,way of talking and personality. 

In a research it was found that short height people have to face many challenges in getting jobs. It is a fact that tall person is considered superior than short person. 

In recent times it has been found that short people feel marginalized among others. 

Your height depends on several factors. These factors are responsible for a person's growth. Genetic play a vital role in increasing your growth height. 60% to 70% height is depend on your genetics. Only 20% os in our control by which we can grow up further.
Regular exercise and food can help to increase height. Food like eggs, banana,leafy vegetables,fish(proteins) are essential for increasing height. By proper diet a person a person can become tall. Regular exercise play a vital role in making body fit and free from dieses. 
Some best proven ways for increasing height are- 
  1. Yoga- 
Yoga is an age old practice which filter your body along with mind. It separates you from impurities. There are several asanas which are very good for increasing height. 
Tadasana or Mountain Pose- 
Stand with space between your feet. Both feet should be parallel to each other. Tilt in your pelvic. While inhaling takes your arms up and interlace your fingers right above your head. 
Pull up your feet while exhaling along with your arms up. 
Stay in the position for as long as you can for better results. 
Trikonasana or Triangle Pose- 
It lengthen your body from sideways. Stand while keeping 3 feet distance between your legs. Your both feet should be in straight position. While inhaling inlined your arms with shoulder. While exhaling bend towards left and come back in same position. Now again while exhaling bend towards right. 
Repeat it 3 to 5 times for better results. 
Downward Facing Dog
Come on your fores and palms. Now make sure that you are tucking your toes and then lift your hips,knees and your body up towards the skyline. It is good for spinal cord. 
Stay in the position for atleast 30 seconds.
1. There are other ways also for increasing height- 
Taking a good sleep- 
Growth hormone which is very important for height growth are released during sleep. Taking an 8 hours good sleep can be beneficial for increasing height. 
Vitamin-D - 
This vitamin is very important for your bones. It keeps your body structure strong. The most common source of  Vitamin- D is Sun. Morning sunlight os full of Vitamin-D. It helps in increasing height. 
Above all factors are responsible for height growth. These will help you a lot. 
